TSA Reading Suggestions
Trauma Survivors Anonymous is a new 12-step mutual support group. We are currently writing literature and invite you to contribute with any writings that are meaningful to your own recovery. We have listed some of the literature that has been helpful to us and expect to continue to use it even when we have official TSA books and pamphlets.
Introduction to the Internal Family Systems Model, Richard Schwartz
Adult Children of Alcoholic/Dysfunctional Families (The Big Red Book)
Safe Passage to Healing: A Guide for Survivors of Ritual Abuse, Chrystina Oksana (Latest Edition)
Stands with Fists: Moving Beyond Psychological and Verbal Abuse, Debbie Zoub
The Object of My Affection Is in My Reflection: Coping with Narcissists, Rokelle Lerner
Living in the Comfort Zone: The Gift of Boundaries in Relationships, Rokelle Lerner
Any book by
Peter Levine
Judith Herman
Alice Miller
Brené Brown
There are many more and we will take suggestions by email.